Ideas to Help your Wellness or Yoga Business over the Christmas Season

Fun fact, before starting Santosha Marketing I worked in retail technology for many years and would start my Christmas campaigns in July! So waiting to talk about this time of year until November seems positively barbaric!!

There are lots of opportunities to leverage the festive time of year to help grow your yoga business and provide a most wonderful customer experience and sense of community. Here are some ideas to explore over the Christmas season, I’d usually recommend you start planning in October however plenty can be put in place right now!

Holiday-Themed Classes

Offer special Christmas-themed yoga classes, such as “Yuletide Yoga” or “Peaceful Presence on Christmas Eve.” These classes can incorporate gentle flows, holiday music, and meditation focused on gratitude and relaxation. Think about what might be nice to welcome in the New Year and our Sankalpa.

Discounts and Promotions

Many businesses will provide special Christmas discounts for class packages, workshops, or gift certificates. This encourages gift-giving and boosts attendance during the season. I’m on the fence about pushing heavy Black Friday discounts, I wrote a pros and cons list on Instagram recently but it’s mostly relevant to yoga businesses.

Pros to doing Black Friday deals 

  • You might sell more of your higher value items like class pass bundles or courses.

  • You could attract new customers to the studio.

  • You could offer a good incentive for existing customers to get a bargain.

 Cons of Black Friday for Yoga Businesses 

  • This is very much personal, however ethically offering big discounts and urging spending doesn't sit right with me, maybe it's arguably incompatible with Satya, Aparigraha or Asteya in my mind, it doesn't feel right. This is something to ponder. But a personal choice. 

  • You could argue that clients who come to you via a significant offer are less likely to see your value when paying full price. Look at your update from intro offers, how many go on to become customers?

  •  These are life long practices and ways of life... Not fads. Just because it's a "thing" for retail doesn't mean you need to partake. You always need to think is this in your studio's brand DNA.

It's always up to you what marketing decisions you make. For my yoga studio, this isn't something we would consider for the reasons I outlined. We think we provide value for money and hold a beautiful space for our customers.... It wouldn't feel right to jump on Black Friday for us. But you are unique. If this works for you then wonderful... Make sure you track the ROI and that you communicate clearly what the offer is and why customers should take advantage. It could be an opportunity to sell a longer offer such as a 6 month membership. 

Gift Vouchers

Promote gift certificates as a thoughtful and health-focused gift. Encourage current students to purchase them for friends and family. Make sure you make them look lovely, Canva have great templates or consider having them printed for customers to deliver physically. If you have a beginner course in January, this could make an excellent gift!

Decorate the Studio

Deck the studio with fun yet calming holiday decorations. A festive and peaceful atmosphere can make students feel more connected to the Christmas spirit during their practice. It’s the season for candles and twinkling lights!

Community Events/Social

Host a festive gathering at the studio for students and their families. Offer light refreshments, social time, and perhaps a mini yoga session. It’s a great way to foster community and express gratitude.

Seasonal Workshops

You might consider organising workshops focused on stress reduction, mindfulness, and self-care during the hectic Christmas season. Share tips and techniques to help manage stress and anxiety.

Collaborate with Local Businesses

Partner with local wellness businesses, like massage, health food stores, or wellness boutiques, for joint promotions. Cross-promote each other’s services and products during the Christmas season.

Online Presence

Update your website and social media with special-themed content. Share posts about the importance of self-care during the Christmas holiday and promote your special classes and offers. If you have a blog it’s nice to share advice for managing common issues people have over this time of year.

Charity and Giving

Embrace the spirit of giving by organising charity events. You can host donation-based classes where the proceeds go to a local charity or food bank. Encourage students to bring canned goods for a local shelter.

Gratitude Classes

Offer classes centered around gratitude and reflection. Guide students through a practice of thankfulness, emphasising the non-material aspects of the holiday season. It can also be a lonely time of year so remember to be empathic and thoughtful.

Festive Merchandise

It’s a fine balance to strike around the materialism of Christmas, it can be a nice opportunity to showcase local, independent crafters such as candles or gifts. Many customers like to support local businesses around this time of year. A sumup machine is easy to set up and handy to have.

Christmas Music Playlists

Create soothing and festive holiday playlists for your classes. Give your students a smile when they come to class!

Thank You Notes

It’s a lovely time to be thankful for your yoga community, you could send personalised thank you notes or emails to your students, expressing gratitude for their support throughout the year.

By embracing the Christmas season and infusing it with a sense of peace, community, and wellbeing, yoga studios can create a memorable and meaningful experience for their students while boosting their business during this festive time of year.


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